Peggy Sin Pik Yin 冼璧賢

Peggy Sin was born in Hong Kong. She graduated from the Science Faculty of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and studied for a Master of Fine Arts at the RMIT University in Australia. She has finished the Advanced Diploma Programme in Chinese Ink Painting as well as Diploma Programme in Drawing and Painting at the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She has participated various joint exhibitions including The Love Letter of Ink (Xianyang, PRC), The Album of Cloud (HK), The Rotary Club Art Festival (HK), The Reunion of Ink (HK), The Two Places (PuNing, PRC), The Six Leaves (HK), Burning (HK), Passageway (HK), Dear Rhett (HK) and Beyond the Journey (HK). Her artworks are collected by galleries and private collectors.

Draws on background in biology, biochemistry and traditional Chinese ink painting practice, Sin’s body of artworks are abstract paintings, which are enigmatic and allude to the universe at both micro and macro levels. The resulting imagery and color in the paintings coalesce to create fantastical landscapes which appear to not be of this world. Influenced by contemporary artists such as Mark Tobey, Roni Horn, and Nakashima Kiyoshi, Sin displays an astonishing array of colours and scales to indicate non-determinable scales of representation which motivated by the painting process in both conscious and intuitive way. It is the artist’s passionate wish to invite the viewer to move freely in, out and around the cavernous spaces of the paintings.

生於香港,中文大學理科學士,澳洲墨爾本皇家理工大學藝術碩士。香港中文大學專業進修學院中國水墨畫高等文憑、 香港中文大學專業進修學院素描及繪畫文憑。公司董事。曾多次參加海內外聯展,包括翰墨情書 (中國咸陽) 、雲影集 (香港)、Rotary Club Art Festival (香港)、墨然聚首 (香港)、港江兩地情 (中國普寧)、六葉華枝 (香港) 、Burning (香港) 、Passageway (香港) 、Dear Rhett (香港) 及Beyond the Journey (香港)。作品為私人及畫廊收藏。
大學時期修讀生物與生物化學及曾接受中國傳統水墨畫訓練, 冼璧賢善於運用宇宙中的宏觀及微觀生物影像,透過抽象畫去探討及重構浩瀚宇宙與及微觀世界,並將之展現成塵世外的神秘夢幻丘壑。受到當代藝術家如Mark Tobey,Roni Horn 及 Nakashima Kiyoshi 的影響,冼璧賢任憑直覺又依據理性,抒情又嚴謹地用了跨媒介素材,混合色彩,製作無定肌理,賦予畫作或聚或散的空間伸延。能讓觀者的思緒自由徜徉在作品中的無限空間。

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